Wind Turbine by Magenn

Wind Turbine by Magenn


Looking for an environmentally friendly energy source? The answer is blowing in the wind! Ideal for farms and remote locations, the Magenn Power Air Rotor System (MARS) wind turbine floats in the air while tethered to the ground, and removes any obstacles related to placement. This lighter-than-air wind turbine rotates around a horizontal axis wherever the wind is blowing and generates electrical energy. This electrical energy passes down the tether to a transformer and then transferred to the electricity power grid. The MARS Air Rotor is sustained by helium, which transports it to an altitude where it will find the best wind, and its rotation produces a Magnus effect, giving it a extra boost, keeping it stabilized and placing it in a optimal position. Capable of operating in a wider range of wind speeds, the 10 to 25 kW MARS will be available in 2009/10, and is expected to cost between the $5 USD to $10 USD dollar per watt.


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